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From Midfield Star To Coaching Success

Meet Thiago Motta: Former Footballer and Current Coach

From Midfield Star to Coaching Success

Thiago Motta, born on August 28, 1982, in Brazil, initially rose to fame as an accomplished midfielder in the world of football. His remarkable career spanned over two decades, during which he showcased his exceptional skills and determination on the field.

Career Highlights

Motta began his professional journey at the Brazilian club Vila Nova before making a significant move to Barcelona in 2001. Throughout his time with the Catalan giants, he contributed to numerous team achievements, including winning the UEFA Champions League twice. Subsequent stints with Inter Milan, Paris Saint-Germain, and Genoa further solidified his status as an elite midfielder.

Transition to Coaching

Upon retiring from playing in 2018, Thiago Motta seamlessly transitioned into the role of a coach. He initially served as the assistant manager at Paris Saint-Germain before taking the helm of Genoa in 2019. His coaching philosophy emphasizes tactical flexibility, ball possession, and developing young players.

Current Role

Currently, Motta is the manager of Spezia Calcio in Serie A. Under his guidance, the team has shown promising progress, showcasing an attacking and possession-based style of play. Motta's astute tactical acumen and ability to motivate players have made him a respected figure in the coaching fraternity.


Thiago Motta's journey from a world-class footballer to a successful coach is a testament to his adaptability, passion for the sport, and unwavering determination. His exceptional leadership qualities and innovative coaching approach have propelled him to the forefront of the industry, and his impact on the world of football continues to inspire and shape young talent.
